Saturday, 3 July 2010

Mirrie Lace Exhibition Opening

The exhibition opened tonight - Friday night. We had a marvelous evening; at least eighty people came (which is lots of people for our small islands) including most of the knitters who are working on the project. Everything went smoothly this week, so of course we had to have a last minute glitch! My attempts to burn the DVD for the slideshow about our Lace Labs to accompany the show kept showing an error and refused to burn! You can imagine the frustration after three more test DVDs didn't work! Finally we got a temporary trial DVD to run, and I am working on getting a better one finished! Emma took these photos at the private view. You can see the projection of Shetland Lace knitted by Joan Manson in this photo.

You can catch a glimpse of Shetland Lace knitted by Christine Smith in this photo.

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